It has been forever since I posted anything on here, so here goes nothing.
Today has been a good day. I woke up and went to my math class and all was good. I got a test back from last week and I made a 75 on it. Its not what I had expected but it was the third highest grade in the class. The good part of this is that our teacher has decided to let us rework the test for extra credit. Thank God for great teachers like Mrs. Moore. I like her a lot. I wrote a short essay for a group research project on Anne Bradstreet and It was quick, painless and enjoyable. Now here in an hour or so I am going to the driving range to whack some golf balls. today has been a good day. Its fall already and it feels great outside. There is nothing like the cool wind blowing across your face. It has been hot, cool, hot, cool, down here lately but at least the gnats and mosquitoes are leaving me alone. darn bugs. yep. I guess that about raps up my daily rant for the month of November, but i will try to write fairly regularly this month. Peace out my brothers.